
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pangandaran Beach (West Java, Indonesia)

Pangandaran is a tourist attraction which is the belle of the beach in West Java. Located in the village of Pangandaran pananjung district. The distance from Jakarta to Pangandaran is 393km. The specialty of the beach of Pangandaran were we can see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place ... Amazing!
western coast of Pangandaran In addition to playing and enjoying the beach atmosphere. We will also go Pangandaran nature reserve. In this Pangandaran nature reserve through the forest that we will save a million charm. The reserve of 1000 hectares has various flora and fauna such as lotus flowers Raflesia, bison, deer, and various species of monkeys

here also there are also natural caves and artificial cave like: Goa stage, Parat Goa, Goa Mudal Wells, Goa lanang and Japanese cave. Rengganis and water resources, and the white sand beaches and marine parks. Inside the cave we could see the nature-stalaknit stalaknit nature that have odd shapes. we can see the stone that resembles a chicken thigh, then there is a rock that supposedly sex mate she can provide for people who touched the rock, there's coral could be sound if the pound.
continue to exist that flashed sparkling crystal stones, then there are rocks like a camel, a rock-like head of an elephant, strangely shaped. Cave quid gives a very interesting challenge.

Then near Pangandaran area, there is a fairly well-known tourist areas, namely green canyon. Here we can cross the river by boat. against the flow of the river, its Arriving at the end of the journey, we will see a cave with a very beautiful stalaknit. You can also continue to go down the river to swim, there we will be able to see the beauty more beautiful.


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