
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bintan Resort (Riau, Indonesia)

For you who like exploring nature, Bintan Resorts also provide facilities for the hobby is tracking through the mountain bikes or the Mountain Star. Located at an altitude of about 340 feet, your eyes will be free to look at the beauty of Bintan Island, which is annually visited by no less than 350 thousand tourists. Indeed, most of the tourists who come are not domestic, but foreign tourists, such as Singapore, South Korea, and Japan.


Not only the beauty of nature. Bintan Island also has a wealth of biodiversity to be proud of. As an island in the tropics, Bintan Island has a unique ecosystem with diverse flora and fauna. Monkeys, frogs, various types of snakes, fireflies, lizards, and various species of birds live in comfort on the island.
Not to mention surfing the mangrove forest on the River Sebung broken with my first time. Along the River Sebung This we will encounter various types of mangrove forest is unique as Pencil Avioennia Roots, Roots DanceInternasional.Stilt Rhizophora, Bruguiera Knee Roots, and Roots Xylocarpus Ribbon. In a tour of the mangrove forest, tourists can see directly the habitat of wild animals that live in it


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